For the Scripture says, “Everyone who believes in him will not be put to shame.” (ESV)
What things shame or embarrass you? It is usually something like realizing you have gone out with two different socks, calling someone by the wrong name, or thinking that the party you are supposed to plan for your friend is next weekend only to look at your calendar and see that is in ten minutes. In other words, we are embarrassed when some aspect of our life for which we had responsibility has fallen apart. We have dropped the ball, and there is no one else to blame for it. Blush!
Paul tells the Romans that if they will trust in God, they will not be ashamed. No matter what happens as a result of the decision to trust God, shame and embarrassment are not among the consequences. We can trust Him, absolutely and without qualification.
When was the last time you trusted God like that? Come on, now. You are not at church. There is no need to put on your Perfect Christian mask. It is just you thinking about your life. So when was it? Yeah, I can’t really remember the last time, either.
Copyright © 2014 by Steven R. Perkins