Sunday, April 17, 2016

Tuning Out And Tuning In

April 17 (Exodus 3:4)

When the Lord saw that he turned aside to see, God called to him out of the bush, “Moses, Moses!” And he said, “Here I am.”  (ESV)

It is spring and it is election season, which means that in the green lawns and fields near us are the budding colors of nature and campaign signs.  The one whispers to get attention, the other screams like a carnival barker.

God does not yell.  He does not raise His voice.  He does not give the hard sell or come on strong.  This does not mean that He does not communicate with us in extraordinary ways.  He does, as He did by setting a bush on fire and not letting it be consumed.  Moses could have passed by, but he recognized the burning bush as something worth noticing and turned aside from the business of his day, and when he did, God spoke directly to him.

I know what I am about to say has a touch of irony since you are reading this in an email or on a blog post, but consider a fast from technology or social media.  It may be just for a day or after a certain hour, but try it.  Turn aside from the clamor that screeches for your attention.  Turn aside and look and listen actively for God.  You know perfectly well that if your child or best friend came looking for you, you would make time for him or her.  That is what you are to God, His child and His friend.  Do you think He will do any less?

Jesus, it has been too long since You and I just spent some time together, and that is on me.  I am the one who has let other things get in the way between us.  I want to hear Your voice again.  I want to hear what You want to say.  As I enter this period of quietness, I am eager for You to speak to me…

Copyright © 2016 by Steven R. Perkins

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