Sunday, November 27, 2016

Finding The Way To Go

November 27 (Psalm 119:105)

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.  (ESV)

Our son and I recently spent a few days at one of our favorite spots on earth, Turkey Run State Park in western Indiana.  Filled with forested paths and trails that work their way through glacier-carved canyons, it is a hiker’s dream.  This trip we hiked a few trails that were new to us and several times were stopped by what seemed to be an impossible way forward.  A trail would seem to dead end or ascend through a dauntingly narrow and steep crevasse.  Each time we approached an apparent stopping point, the proper part of the trail came into view and on we went.

Does that sound familiar?  From where you stand it seems that there is no way forward.  You have tried everything.  You don’t know what else to do, but you know you must keep going, only it appears that you can’t. 

God will guide you and show the way.  Let me say that again.  God will guide you and show the way.  He may do it through the words of Scripture.  He may do it through an inspired word from a friend.  The Holy Spirit may speak directly to your heart.  What you can take to the bank, what you can absolutely count on, is that He will guide you where you need to go.  When he does, will you follow?

Lord, this will not come as a surprise to You, but I need to confess it.  Much of the stress of my life comes from trying to find or make my own way.  Help me see by the light of Your word the path I should take and strengthen me to follow wherever it leads.  In the name of Jesus, Who followed a path to Calvary and then to glory, amen.

Copyright © 2016 by Steven R. Perkins

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