He rescued me from my powerful enemy, from my foes, who were too strong for me. (NIV)
A pastor at our church once used the expression, “confessing theist, practical atheist.” The phrase struck me because it seemed, painfully, to describe me. I am not just a confessing theist. I am a confessing Christian. I joyfully proclaim the truths of the Christian faith grounded in the lordship of our crucified and risen Savior, Jesus Christ, Who with the Father and the Holy Spirit reigns eternally as one God. Does my life, however, reflect my words?
I am a do-it-yourself kind of guy. I am hard charging and enjoy tackling multiple responsibilities and seeing them through to completion. Yet when my powerful enemies and foes mount their attack, my preferred response is to dig down deeper into my own strength and battle them on my own. If God plays little role in my moments of stress, pressure, and difficulty, I have to ask. Is mine a practical atheism?
David, who would become king of Israel and was known as a man after God’s own heart, was not too proud to admit that he had enemies stronger than he. Because of his humility, he could enjoy God’s grace. Where in your life is pride blocking God’s grace?
Lord, I thank You for how You have made me. I truly enjoy the gifts with which You have blessed me to live my life and fulfill Your calling. Help me not to take such pride in those gifts that I miss what is even greater, You. In the name of Christ Jesus, my Lord, amen.
Copyright © 2010 by Steven R. Perkins
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