“Wist ye not that I must be about my Father's business?”
Our church has multiple worship times throughout the weekend, and we usually attend on Saturday evenings. This weekend, however, I was out of town, and our son had a basketball function, which he attended with my wife and daughter. What she called to tell me on my way home humbled me. The basketball function let out just a bit earlier than they had expected, and our son, who is eleven, asked if they could go to church.
Mary and Joseph were surprised to find their son in the temple, but Jesus was surprised by their surprise, wondering why they did not know that He would be about His Father’s work. Perhaps adults are astonished when children say such things because they have become a bit jaded about worship or doing the work of God. For us, it may have become simply one more thing to do in a long and growing list. God uses unlikely voices to remind us of the important things.
What gets in the way of doing your Father’s business? Is serving and worshiping Him the most or least likely thing someone would find you doing?
Father, restore to me the innocent surrender of youth, that with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength, I may serve and worship You. In the name of Jesus, Who never lost sight of His Father’s business, amen.
Copyright © 2011 by Steven R. Perkins
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