I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified. (ESV)
When our children were little, they had
toy versions of various adult items like dishes or tools. It fascinated me that, when given the
opportunity to play with the toy version or the real thing, they went for the
real thing every time.
It is easy to get caught up in various
aspects of the faith. We enjoy our
favorite Christian bands, get excited over a new type of study Bible, or want a
cross necklace for our birthday. None of
these things are bad, mind you, and I am right in the thick of all that. Yet none of that, to say nothing of whether
or not we liked the sermon or this week’s worship music, can be the center of
our lives. Every once in a while, it is
good to put aside the things of the faith to focus on the One in Whom our faith
is rooted.
In addition to sin and the general
distractions of life, what good, even helpful things, may be drawing your attention
away from Jesus?
Copyright © 2014 by Steven R. Perkins