unto you is born this day in the city of David a
Savior, who is Christ the Lord.
Bear with me for a moment. I am going to reference a song by Led
Zeppelin. In 1970 Led Zeppelin recorded
what has become the most famous version of a centuries-old tale. In their version of the song called “Gallows
Pole,” friends and family bring gifts to the hangman to save a beloved young
man. The hangman takes all the gifts,
but in the final verse laughs as he prepares to hang the young man anyway.
Every human being who draws a breath is
under a sentence of death. We are born
with a sin nature, and given the opportunity, we will live up to that nature
every time. As a result, we are
separated from the pure perfection of God.
We deserve to die, and there is nothing we can give God, not gold or
silver or good works, that can save us.
Enter Jesus. It is God’s law that says we must die, yet it
is God Who provided the way out. He sent
His Son to be born our Savior. His
laughter and joy fill the heavens when we accept this and surrender our lives
to Him. We do not celebrate Christmas
because a cute baby was born. Many cute
babies are born each day. We celebrate
Christmas because our Savior has come.
Copyright © 2014 by Steven R. Perkins
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