Sunday, July 26, 2015

Life With the King

July 26 (Psalm 47:7)

… God is the King of all the earth….  (ESV)

Earthly leaders have their proper role to play, but not one of them has ever been, is now, or will ever be King of all the earth.  All of Psalm 47 is a powerful reminder of Who actually sits on the throne of the world.  Do you suffer from a poor leader at work?  Do you worry about bad, even evil, leadership in the world around us?  Such people will lead only for a season, and even then, they do not control it all.

On top of that, you know the King of all the earth.  You know Him personally, and He knows you.  You enjoy what all those who seek audience with earthly powers will never know.  You have a bright, joyous, and loving relationship with the King.  He calls you His child (Romans 8:16) and He calls you His friend (John15:15).

So what are you waiting for?  If the conditions of life are bringing you down, take them to your friend, the King.  If there are things you simply cannot handle, fears that are reaching out for you, or more pain than you can bear, take them to your Father, the King.  There is not one person on earth who can ever love you the way He already does.

Father, I spend far too much time living as if I were not what I am, Your child and heir with Jesus to Your kingdom.  Help me to turn my eyes from both the threats of this life and anything that pretends to give me life.  You are my life, and I draw all my life from You.  In the powerful name of Jesus, I pray.  Amen.

Copyright © 2015 by Steven R. Perkins

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