Sunday, August 9, 2015

Praise In Times of Trouble

August 9 (Job 1:21)

The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; may the name of the Lord be praised.  (ESV)

When my Internet goes down because of a storm, I want to cry out to the God of the universe, “Why, Lord?  Why?  Dost thou not know I must gain access to a file on my Google drive?”  Suffice it to say I do not always handle the little interruptions of life very well.  Now take a look at Job.  In the space of one day, he lost his entire livelihood and most of his family.  What is his response?  Read the verse above.

I really need to maintain a better perspective on things.  I want to be the kind of person who, even in the midst of calamity, puts all things in the hands of God and continues to praise Him.  I do not want to be just a sunshine Christian, one who praises God when times are good, but rails against Him for what I see as injustice when things go bad.  I want to remain firm in my relationship with and identity in my heavenly Father.

So what things have you shaking your fist at heaven?  You may not tell anyone else about them, but you know there are certain situations that leave you wondering if God really loves and cares for you.  How would your perspective change if you began your prayer of pleading for help with words of praise?

Father, You have already blessed me more than words can say.  In addition to giving me the free gift of eternal life that was paid for in the blood of Your Son, Jesus, You have guided my steps in this world.  May I never forget Your love, especially in times of trouble.  In those moments may I praise You, my loving and gracious God.  Amen.

Copyright © 2015 by Steven R. Perkins

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