Sunday, June 5, 2016

The Glorious Calling of Jesus

June 5 (Ephesians 4:1)

I therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called….  (ESV)

How can Paul, a prisoner, urge anyone toward a better life?  If we ask that question, then we need to get something straight.  We are all prisoners for the Lord.  Prisoners do not have rights, and when we surrender our lives to Jesus, we surrender our right to do things our way and for our own pleasure.

To those who do not know what it is to walk with Jesus, that can sound absolutely horrible.  God wants to take away my rights and imprison me?  In truth, this is not imprisonment for punishment, but when we are confined within the immensity of Christ, we are free to become what He has made us to be.  Apart from Him, we are bound by the constricting darkness of our own thoughts, the relentless chafing of the chains of our competing desires.

Ours is a glorious calling as the sons and daughters of God.  It is resplendent with purpose and meaning.  Why on earth would we want to walk clothed in anything other than righteousness and holiness?

Lord, I humbly acknowledge my identity as Your child, redeemed from the penalty of my sin by the blood of Jesus and empowered by His grace and guided by the Holy Spirit to walk boldly in the calling You have given me.  May my life ever bring You glory even as it directs others to You.  Amen.

Copyright © 2016 by Steven R. Perkins

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