March 11 (Psalm 20:7)
Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our
God. (ESV)
We often tell teenagers to begin building a good
resume. We tell them to get involved
with sports or music, to serve in the community, and to take part in extracurricular
activities so they will have a resume that looks good to scholarship committees
and college admission boards. I would
ask what in the name of God we are doing, but whatever it is, it is not in the
name of God. We are training our
children at an early age to put their hopes for the future in their accomplishments
today. We are teaching them to trust in
chariots and horses.
It is true, of course, that a high G.P.A. can help a student
gain admission to college just as surely as your high productivity last quarter
can help you secure a promotion. This is
the way the world works. Yet when we
begin to live and die first by our transcripts and then later by our profit and
loss statements, we go quickly astray, and at the end of the day, deep in your
heart of hearts, you know that such things really do not matter. They really don’t.
When you approach a task with confidence, is it confidence
based on your resume or on the character of your Lord? When you fear what is coming toward you, is
it because you don’t think you have what it takes or because you don’t think God
does? A good look at our confidence and
our fear will show us where we actually put our trust.
It amazes me sometimes, Lord, how much I am actually depending on my own strength and abilities rather than on You. Honestly, most of the day I live as if everything were up to me. Help me to rely less on my talents, even though You have given them to me, and more directly on You. I ask it in the name of Jesus. Amen.
Copyright © 2018 by Steven R. Perkins
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