Sunday, June 10, 2018

Experiencing The Glories of God

June 10 (Psalm 19:1)

The heavens declare the glory of God,
    and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.  (ESV)

Cities can be marvelous things filled with towering buildings, twinkling lights, and a wild array of colors, yet they are, at best, imitations of the glories of God.  No building, however wonderfully designed, can match the grandeur of mountains.  No electric lights can compete with the sparkling of stars.  No pigment or neon can match the palette with which flowers, deep sea creatures, and sunsets are painted.

Most of us live in urban or suburban environments.  Our is the world of sidewalks and pavement and electronics.  We think we have tamed the elements by controlling light and temperature so that we live in comfortable, well-lit rooms twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.  Perhaps instead our achievements have tamed us, made us pale imitations of the vibrantly alive creations we were made to be.  Ask yourself just how vibrantly alive you feel walking through your workplace or even your home.

So, go for a walk in the rain, without an umbrella.  Breathe in slowly the hot breezes of summer.  Look up and look out at the canopy of trees or the blanket of stars.  Even if skyscrapers block most of your view, you can, if you try, see a fleecy white cloud in an aerial sea of blue.  Stay with that cloud for a moment as you walk to your next destination.  Christians do not worship nature, but we join with it in declaring the glory of God.  Such declarations are the work for which your soul was made.

Thank You, Father, for Your magnificent works of creation.  Kindle again in me awe and wonder as I drink in the glories of Your hand, and from such inspiration may my gaze find You.  In the name of Christ Jesus, my Lord.  Amen.

Copyright © 2018 by Steven R. Perkins

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