Sunday, November 27, 2011

November 27 (Psalm 1:2)

But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in his law doth he meditate day and night.  (KJV)

I once read a description of a teacher reciting a poem for her class.  She encountered the words like old, familiar friends.  Is this how it is with you and Scripture?  Do you read and re-read the stories and the teachings, coming back to them with welcome familiarity, yet always finding something new?

We have a great many study aids at our disposal.  We have study Bibles and specialty Bibles for different aspects of life.  There are countless Internet tools to help us understand the original languages and the geography of the biblical stories.  Yet what we need most sometimes is simply to read and re-read.  We need to savor the stories, dwell in them, and realize that they have not ended.  We are living the next chapters of the story that started with Adam.

As we approach Christmas, read that most familiar of stories again.  Reconnect with old friends like Mary and Joseph.  Consider reading a part of the Bible with which you are less familiar, not from the perspective of learning facts, but with a view to adventure.  What new delights await you in a lesser-known book?  Rediscover your delight in God’s word.

Lord, what a precious gift You have given us in the Bible!  Help me to see it with fresh eyes and to find my joy within its pages of poetry and drama, of which I am a part.  Amen.

Copyright © 2011 by Steven R. Perkins

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