Sunday, December 23, 2018

For All People of All Times

December 23 (Luke 1:55)

As he spoke to our fathers, to Abraham and to his offspring forever.  (ESV)

Mary concludes her words that came to be known as the “Magnificat” by acknowledging the eternality of what God was doing in and through her.  God had singled out Israel as His chosen people generations before Mary herself was born.  He had spoken of salvation to Abraham and continued to speak of it through the prophets.  The messiah was something all Israelites were expecting, and now that messiah would be born in the flesh.

Yet Mary observes that God’s words were not just for Abraham and those who had come before her.  Time was not coming to an end with Mary and her child.  God’s words, and the Word that was becoming flesh, were for all people forever.

As you celebrate Christmas Eve and Christmas Day with family and friends, take a moment to ponder the truth that you are part of a much larger story than you may have realized.  As a child of God whose veins now flow with the blood of Jesus, you are part of an eternal story, one that stretches from everlasting to everlasting, and that is truly something worth celebrating.

As a special feature this month, each devotion will include a link to one of the many glorious, musical versions of the “Magnificat.”  Each one includes the Latin text as well.  This week’s selection can be found here.

Lord, we thank You for becoming one of us in the person of Jesus Christ.  He fully understands all our trials and temptations and without sin surrendered Himself to the punishment that should have been ours so that we might enjoy eternal life with You.  This day and every day, our souls magnify You, and we rejoice in God our Savior.  Amen.

Copyright © 2018 by Steven R. Perkins

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