Sunday, November 7, 2010

November 7 (Psalm 147:11)

The LORD delights in those who fear him, who put their hope in his unfailing love. (NIV)

How wonderful God’s love for me must be, since it is infinitely greater than the love I have for my own children, a love that daily threatens to burst my heart! I truly delight in our children. Whether it is their voices saying “Good-bye” and “I love you, Daddy” as I leave for work in the morning or their enthusiastic hugs that nearly knock me over when I return, I find myself constantly smiling around them and thanking God for the privilege of being a parent.

I am delighted when they share some wonderful new discovery with me, and I get to see with fresh eyes one of the glories of the created order. It delights me when our little girl asks for help with a stuck coat zipper and when our son performs some task that signals his ever-growing skills. I delight when I watch them play with their friends or when they play alone in their rooms or in the backyard. I delight to hear their spontaneous songs sung only to their stuffed animals and God. I delight to watch them sleep.

I repeat, how wonderful must the love of God be for me, a love that transcends all my human emotion for my own children!

Father, I love You and indeed put my hope in your unfailing love! May what I do with the life You have given me always bring delight to You. In the name of my Lord Jesus I pray, amen.

Copyright © 2010 by Steven R. Perkins

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