Sunday, December 14, 2014

December 14 (Psalm 86:11)

…[U]nite my heart to fear your name.  (ESV)

There is so much to do as Christmas approaches.  There are gifts to buy, cards to write, foods to bake, trips to arrange, houses to clean for guests, shows and parties to attend, and all the other things to do that you did not do the rest of the year and now feel the pressure to do before the year ends.  Sound familiar?

Many, perhaps all, of those things are good enough, but not one of them involves awe, and I am pretty sure that celebrating the birth of God in the flesh is an awe-filled event.  Awe requires absolute, single-minded focus.  Its proper expression is a dropping to the knees and bursting out, “My Lord and my God!” because your mouth has no choice in holding back the words.

This cannot happen when our hearts are divided, and that is why I love this verse.  It is a simple prayer that I need to pray often.

Lord, unite my heart to fear Your name.  In the midst of all that I must do, help me to see You.  In fact, give me the courage to drop anything, no matter how urgent or good it may seem, to praise You with all that I am.  Amen.

Copyright © 2014 by Steven R. Perkins

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